Port Elizabeth - 25 KW GRID TIE INVERTER SYSTEM 2018
360 Watt Mono-chrystaline panels

This 4.6 kw system supplies power to all the essential circuits , lights plugs etc to cater for load shedding, with a 10 kw/ hr lithuim iron battery pack . With Power on, the solar power pushes directly into your electrical system, being used by whatever is switched on, the surplus pushes back to municipal system, earning credits. In the event of power failure during the day, the 6 kw solar modules will keep the system running whilst the 10 kw/ h batteries remain full in preparation for the night, in so doing giving you prolonged usage in the event of power failure. The batteries have at least 6000 cycles intheir life time. This is tge smartest and latest in this technology, of which we are the importers . Remember we started with solar power in 1987, with a total of 41000 solar installations country wide, particularly for the Agriculture market, with up to 257 kw systems.
This is in Limpopo, from a 50 m borehole, see how it runs under low light- cloud, might have to zoom in!! This kit starts at 6.45 in mid summer and stops at around 6.25 , those are hours that water actually exits the pivot. There are many days he runs 11 hours of irrigation, under pressure, where water is being pumped, not to mention free flow into low head dams.​
This kit produced 1200 kw/hours today, 1.2 megawatt in total from the 150 kw kit , which is far more than we promised. This payback will be closer to 3 years now.